I got an order in Mt Pleasant Iowa When we set up that the Threshermen's Reunion. I keep dragging my feet on wanting it to be perfect. Also Hoping that she will just Love it.
I go to the local 2nd Hand stores and find more men's button down dress shirts. I just keep adding them. My Husband keeps giving me a hard time and saying "When are you going to work on Jane's Rug" I just look at him and say oh I found more rags to add to it. So its official I'm starting to work on Jane's Rug.
I have sewed one Ball.
I took pics of the ball as it grew.
I think I have the warp picked out My Husband Nick helped. I think I'm going with
12 Natural
2 yellow
2 sage
2 Terra cotta
2 dark Lilac
2 powder blue
2 black
That equals a grand total of 24 threads per 2"s
I order My warp from Great Northern Co
in Kalamazoo MI
I wanted to add some dark hunter green but We think it will just blend in the fabric.